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Iron Fist



I just found out today that next month is National Blog Posting Month (or NaBloPoMo). So what does this mean? Participants in NaBloPoMo pledge to post a little something every day for the entire month. Some especially prolific bloggers (my friend Patch, for example) already come fairly close to this goal. But for the lazier writers out there, especially those whose sites went down for nearly an entire month and then had to be painstakingly moved to a new server, haven’t quite matched that.

From the site:

My hope is that the exercise will loosen up your writing joints.

It is not meant to be a burdensome, loathsome albatross around your neck, but an opportunity, due to sheer exhaustion, to soften up your inner censor.

So, count me in. I need to get back in the ‘zone’ of writing something every day, and this sounds like just the tonic for it. Expect a post from me every day in November.

Which means I’ve got some work to do…I need to lay in heavy on the coffee supplies. I’ll have to make whole new categories. Should I hire a coach? A crotchety old blogging veteran to whip me into shape and bellow at me when I start to falter at the keyboard?

Anyway, I clearly need to get in shape for this event. So here goes.

Update: fuck it, I quit.

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