sheer genius!
Thanksgiving in February? Whoever thought of such a thing? It’s genius, I tell you, sheer genius!
Let’s face it, Thanksgiving is clearly the best holiday. Christmas, it’s OK, but it doesn’t have an enormous all-American dead bird as its centerpiece. The only downside of Thanksgiving is that it only comes around once a year and is quickly forgotten as the madness that is the Christmas shopping season begins only hours after you’ve consumed your last piece of pie.
So how are you supposed to stretch out that Thanksgiving feeling a little longer?
Enter Joe Rock. Joe, seen here coming to the rescue of underfed turkey-lovers everywhere (or maybe he was coming back from the liquor store, I can’t remember), came up with the idea of repeated Thanksgiving dinners throughout the year. I discovered this in mid-December when I called him to see if he felt like grabbing happy hour and he counter-offered with a Thanksgiving meal he was preparing. “Thanksgiving dinner is so great, I think it’s a crime that we only have it once a year, so I’m making another one,” he said. “Come over!”
We did it again last night. Joe cooked up a 19-lb bird and all the usual fixings: stuffing, spicy mashed potatos, and homemade green gravy (don’t ask, you had to be there). So what if it was Mardi Gras? I’d trade brined turkey breast for random boobies and beads any day of the week. Thanksgiving dinner on Fat Tuesday? Genius! To top it all off, we had brownies with ice cream and raspberry wine for dessert, and we finally, finally, got to meet the elusive-yet-awesome Dusty.
It doesn’t stop there, either. The ambitious Joe Rock has announced that there will be no less than 6 Thanksgiving feasts this year. He announced something else, too, but that’s the subject of another post.
Thanks again, Joe, for the awesome dinner, and for the genius idea of having Thanksgiving all year round.