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Iron Fist

and roll final credits


In no particular order:

Thanks to Eve and Dave3 from the Geeks of Doom for watching Iron Man with us in New York, and for showing us where to find the best dessert in the Village. If you guys ever make it out here to Portland, drop me a line. I know where to find some great vegetarian food.

Thanks to Dave2 for letting me crash with him in the Blogography Bunker for the entire trip, and for showing me more cool stuff while we were in New York than I could have ever hoped to see on my own, and all while nursing a swollen foot. Getting to see the behind-the-scenes magic of what goes into making a DaveToon was a real treat, and seeing the Murakami exhibit and learning how he influences your work was eye-opening. I feel like I crammed more living in during the time you helped me play tourist than I had in the previous two months. Thanks also to Dustin for stepping up to the plate when it came time for us to recognize the people who made TequilaCon possible, and for being my wingman in the hotel bar, even if this consisted entirely of us performing a hastily executed retreat. You guys are the best traveling companions a guy could ask for, and I’m glad to count you among my friends. As far as I’m concerned the whole weekend was a non-stop ride in the FunVee, and never the HumDrumVee, even if our conversations have made it impossible for me to communicate with regular people lately: I keep classifying everything as either a FAIL or a WIN, and nobody seems to know what to make of me right now.

A big thank you to Jenny for pulling the whole thing together (again!). You’re one of the most fantastic people I know, and my life is richer for knowing you, even if you are pretty quick to offer your opinion on who ought to be my GIIIIIIIRRLFRIIEEEND. (She’s totally not, by the way.)

Thank you to everyone who showed up at TequilaCon and made it such a blast. Next year I will drink less* and get around to talking to more of you. I think I’ve just about finished piecing together all my memories of the evening, and fortunately I don’t remember doing anything that will get me sued or even anything assholish, which is a nice plus.

Thank you to our awesome server Victoria. If you’re reading this (which you might be, I know I gave you my last pin), we took a vote back at headquarters and decided that blog or no blog, you need to be at next year’s event. Call us!

A few quick discredits, unfortunately: first of all, Newark Airport — EPIC FAIL, especially the men’s restroom in terminal A. And Philadelphia, what’s the story with your trains never going faster than five miles an hour? For the lose**, SEPTA, for the lose.

It turns out that the Internets don’t take a few days off just because I do, so if I haven’t been around to comment on your blogs lately it’s because I came home to find 1600+ posts backed up in Bloglines. I have a lot of news feeds in there, which I think counts for the bulk of those, but at least three hundred of that number are from the blogs that I follow. So…I’ll get around to you. Honest!

I think this concludes Tequila Week; we return to our regularly scheduled programming tomorrow. In the meantime, completed sets of both New York and Philadelphia are up on Flickr.

(*this is probably not true.
**Dustin gets credit for coming up with this turn of phrase in New York, not long after declaring his desire to cock-punch the local weather.)

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